P1 Admissions
If your child was born between 2 July 2019 and 1 July 2020, they will be due to start primary one in September 2025, and as they will be of compulsory school age, you must apply for a place in a primary school.
If your child is starting pre-school or primary school in September 2025, you can apply for their place online from Tuesday 07 January 2025 - 12 noon. The portal closes Friday 31 January 2024 - 12 noon .
- A new portal for parents to apply online for a place has been created and it will include the listing of preferences of schools.
The process is called 'Open Enrolment'. A welcome booklet is available from Glencull PS. Contact Mr Gormley:bgormley892@c2kni.net.
- Our Open Funday is in September and every day at St Malachy’s we will welcome visitors who wish to have aPersonal Guided Tour of our school to see the exciting activities that take place. Just contact Mr Gormley to arrange a time that is suitable for you.
Please advise any new families, who may be your friends or neighbours, of this closing date.

Apply for P1
St. Malachy's Primary School Glencull, 107 Omagh Rd, Seskilgreen, Ballygawley, Co. Tyrone BT70 2DB
Tel: 02885568344 | Email: info@stmalachys.glencull.ni.sch.uk